Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I hurried down the hall to Sonali's locker.

Marisol had sent all of us to school, except Charity, who waits patiently at

Prudence's bed side, waiting for her best friend to light back up again.

I had finally reached Sonali's locker and I greeted her;
"Heya Nali!" I smiled, fidgeting with the blue glasses I wore in honor of my fallen

She smiled and returned the favor. "Hi Chrissa! What are you doing here,

shouldn't you be in English Class?"

Typical Sonali, always looking out for me.

"I need to tell you something." I squealed, ignoring her question.
"Shoot!" Sonali smiled.
"On my Science test I got an......" I trailed off.
"CHRISSA! SONALI!" Jess yelled, running towards us.

The look on her face looked like it was urgent,
Oh no....

"What is it, Jess?" Sonali asked, looking just as concerned as I was.
"We have to get to the hospital, stat. Everyone else is already in the car." Jess

said, pushing us to the door.
"B-but I have to get to English!" I explained.
"Too bad." Jess muttered as she pushed Sonali and I out of the doors of AGPPA.


"P-P-Prudence" Charity sobbed at Pru's side.
We all rushed in to see what was wrong.
"What happened?" Julia asked.
"Is she alright?" Molly's grey eyes were misty.

Charity looked at all of us and burst out crying, running to Jess' side to hug her.
Marisol called all of the rest of us out into the waiting room.
"Girls." She started, and motioned for all ten of us to sit down in a seat.
"They.........put Prudence on.........Life.....Support..." She said in a soft voice.
"The doctor's don't think she has a chance............ of surviving." Marisol's

coffee-colored eyes began to water and her voice broke.


"Ohmygosh." I whispered then put my head in my hands and sobbed.

And just when everything was looking up.


  1. OMG! NOO!
    They will not put her on Life suppost because she IS going to Survive!
    *Starts to cry*

    Julie- *Pats Lizzies back* Its alright Liz! She'll be okay! *Says that but isnt sure*

    *Elizabeth runs to the corner and cries*

    Hey its JULIE!!! I hope Prudence doesnt die! That would DEVESTATE Lizzie! And like EVERYONE else! :(

    <3 Julie and Lizzie

  2. Oh my. I am so sorry Chrissa. My family sends your family strength. I hope that you have the best of luck. I am confident that Prudence won't die. She is so strong.

    Best Wishes,

    Lea and family <3 <3 <3

  3. it is impossible that she could die.... oh, prudence is so awesome.. i am SOOOO sorry for you, everyone!
