Sunday, January 16, 2011

Magical Marita Tour

I was skipping around merrily, after Matt said that he might ask me out, I couldn't stop skipping around and whistling "Martha My Dear."

Wow, I really need to be put in a straight jacket.

Right as I was going to whistle the second verse, there came a knock at the door.

Melanie, who was sick so therefore, was home alone, answered the door.

I squinted my eyes to see what in the world it was.

"OH MY GOSH!" Melanie squealed, all stuffy. She then went to pick up the box, when I was rushed by Marisol to get into her room.

Marisol shut the door behind us. I looked around to see the faces of my equally confused sisters.

"Why are we here?" Charity asked.
"I thin-" Marisol was cut off by Melanie's voice.


We all stopped dead in our tracks.

Rita, Rita, Rita, Rita, Rita..........

"Rita?" Becca asked me, she apologized to me for being a total jerk on Friday, and now we're actually getting along well.

"Rita." I whispered, then it sunk in.

"RITA!" I yelled.

Then it must've sunk in to everyone too, because soon enough, we were all rushing out of Melanie's room and shouting "RITA RITA RITA RITA!"

We all watched as Melanie opened Rita and the outfits, then when Melanie turned to get Julia, Molly, Jess, and Becca, we bolted out of there.

[-:-] [-:-] [-:-]

Melanie was sleeping.

Her mom had come home and made her go to bed, to 'cure the disease.'

Rita was standing in a corner. Alone, and quite honestly, looking terrified.

Everyone was spazzing out about the new outfits that Melanie had got.
"You guys." I started, they looked at me.
"We have a new sister." I smiled.

We all made our way to Rita.

"Hi Rita" I smiled.
"...Hi" She whispered.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's so cold here." She shivered.

We all chuckled.
"Then come over here in the sunlight!" Sonali smiled, then guided her over to the main doll area.

Rita looked around.
"Wow, there are a lot of you, aren't there?" Her Sapphire eyes dashing from one girl to the next, but finally settling on Marisol.
"Yes, but trust me, you get used to it" Marisol smiled.

"Okay good!" She giggled.
"Do you girls have names?" She asked, looking around again.

"I'm Marisol Luna, the oldest doll here." Marisol smiled.

"I am Callie Monroe, Hippie Extraordinaire." Callie giggled.

"I'm Jessalyn McConnell, but you can call me Jess" Jess smiled, using her first name.

"Hi! I'm Chrissa Maxwell-" I started, but was cut off.

"From the blog, Missa Chrissa?" Rita's eyes sparkled.
"Yes, from the blog." I beamed.
"I LOVE YOUR BLOG" She squeaked, and I thanked her.

"I'm Julia Albright, I can make you laugh your head off before you can say my full name." Julia smiled.

"Juli-" Rita started.

"Lo-lo-lo-lo." Julia said in a funny voice, but with a straight face.


"HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA" She laughed, her blue eyes shut and she was giggling insanely.

Rita's one of those people who's laugh is contagious, because soon enough, we all were laughing hysterically.

"Told you." Julia smiled.

"I'm Charity Eastman, if you ever run for Class President, I will help make the signs." Charity smiled, wiping her eyes.

"I'm Sonali Matthews. I can design a dress for you and make it too" Sonali smiled.
"You can also rhyme anytime." Julia said.

Molly laughed, then smiled.
"I'm Molly McIntire-" She was cut off.

"MOLLY!" Rita yelled, then ran and hugged her.
"Hi" Molly giggled.
"I LOVE YOUR MUSIC! YOUR COVER OF 'WE CAN WORK IT OUT' WAS AH-MAZING" Rita yelled, hugging Molly with all she had.
"Thank-you" Molly smiled, then gently pushed Rita off so Cindie could introduce herself.

"Hi, I'm Cindie Boswell, and if your ever down, I can show you the bright side of things." Cindie smiled.
"So, really, she's the human version of the song 'Getting Better' by The Beatles." Callie joked. Cindie giggled and Rita laughed.

"I'm Prudence Farrow. If you ever need to know anything about the show, 'Glee', come straight to me." Prudence smiled.

"Hey, I'm Felicity Merriman. If anyone ever gives you a hard time, I'll handle them." Felicity cracked her knuckles, then cracked a smile.

"Hi there! I'm Becca Rubin, remember that name one day, you're going to see it in SHINING LIGHTS" Becca put her arms up.

"There, we all have names. Do you?" Prudence asked, with a playful smile.

"Yes actually. My name is Martia Kenley Pilchard, but you can call me Rita. I came from the BEST AG Factory IN.THE.WORLD. I had 4 friends there, Annabelle and Mikayla Martin, Sonny Harrison, and Kenna Applee." Rita smiled.

"I KNEW SONNY AND KENNA!" Prudence squeaked.
"Yeah, I knew that! They wanted me to tell you that they say 'hi' and that they miss you." Rita smiled.
"Awww. I miss them too." Prudence smiled.

"Anyways, I'm pretty much OBSESSED with The Beatles-" Rita was cut off again.

"WELL HELLO THERE MISS RITA" Callie yelled, then appeared by Rita's side.
"Favorite Beatles song?" Callie asked.
"Lovely Rita, duh." Rita smiled.
"Favorite Beatles album?" Callie asked again.
"Sgt. Pepper's." Rita smiled again.
"Hmm, favorite Beatle?" Callie asked.
"MACCA" Rita squealed.
"Huh?" Callie asked.
"Paul McCartney, you know Macca." Rita explained.
"I understood, I just didn't understand why RINGO ISN'T YOUR FAVORITE." Callie exclaimed.
"Because Paulie is too cute" Rita got an awkward smile on her face.
"Cindie, her favorite album is your favorite, you two can be friends." Callie sighed.
"I want to be your friend too, Callie" Rita smiled.
"Oh Okay, then we will be friends." Callie beamed.

"I LOVE to write-" Rita was cut off AGAIN.

"ME TOO!" Prudence exclaimed.
"Is that all?" Rita asked.
"Yeah." Prudence sighed.

"And that's pretty much it. OH, and I'm kind of shy." Rita finished.

"Well Miss Rita, Welcome to the Randomly Retro Girls." Jess smiled.
Then we showed her around town.

She seems sweet.


Check out Rita's blog;

oh and Julia's blog too;


  1. YAY!!!! I'm SO HAPPY that Rita has Arrived! She seems really NICE and SWEET! I cant wait to meet her at school! :)


  2. What # is she? For example, my doll Lily is #41, and Hollie is #36, I think... XD

