Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chasing Charity

"Marisol, can I PLEASE get a new dress for the dance?" I pleaded.
"No, Chrissa." Marisol simply said.
"Chrissa, I'm sorry. You can't get a new dress. Why don't you have Sonali make one?" Marisol proposed.
"Because, Sonali has enough dresses to make. I don't want to give her another job." I explained.
"Oh, well you still can't get one." Marisol said, then took a sip of her hot chocolate.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because, we don't have all that money. I mean, I had to pay for Abbey's plane ticket back to Massachusetts." Marisol said.


"WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?!" I yelled.
"The fourteenth of December, why?" Marisol had a puzzled look on her face.
"ABBBBBBEYYYYYYYY!" I yelled then ran to the door, grabbed my coat, and bolted for the airport.

As soon as I got to Donaldson Airport, I checked the flight schedule.
"From Michigan to Massachusetts." I said out loud, searching for it.
"AHA!" I said as I found it.

"She's boarding." I muttered to myself then ran to the gate.

"Ticket?" The tall guard said, stopping me.
"Uh..." I trailed off.
"No ticket, no plane." He sighed.
"Where is this plane going to?" I asked.
"China." The guard said.
"Oh." I said as I turned around and bolted to another gate.
"Where is this plane going to?" I asked.
"Massachusetts, Honey. But I'm afraid the flight is cancelled." Another guard explained.
"Oh, thank you" I said, then went to the waiting area.

I sighed, then sat down. I looked around, no sign for Abbey.
"Oh no." I muttered.
"What's wrong?" A soft voice asked.
I turned my head to look at a girl wearing a zebra print dress.
"I'm looking for my sister. Well she isn't my sister, but she's like family." I explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I wish I could help, but I'm looking for a girl named, um." She stopped to look at a white piece of paper "Marisol Luna." She said.

"Wait! I have a sister named Marisol Luna." I said, looking at the paper.

Sure enough, it said
'Marisol Luna; First of the Randomly Retro Girls.'

"So your a Randomly Retro girl?" She asked.
"Yeah! I'm Chrissa Maxwell." I put my hand out.
"Charity Eastman, nice to meet you." She smiled then shook it.


"Charity! We've been waiting for you!" I smiled then hugged her.
"Really? Yay! Abbey has told me SO MUCH about you all!" She smiled.
"Speaking of Abbey, where is she?" I asked.
"Her flight took off at 3:00 in the morning. It's all they could get in." Charity explained.
"Oh. So is she going to be gone forever?" I asked.
"I don't know." Charity sighed.
"I didn't even get to say good-bye." I muttered.
"It's okay, Chris." Charity assured, giving me a side-hug.
"She'll call you all!" She finished.
"It won't be the same." I said, heartbroken.
"What about Prudence?" I sighed.
"Prudence? Prudence Farrow?" Charity asked.
"Yeah, Prudence Dakota Farrow. Abbey's best friend." I said, looking at Charity.
"Wow, I haven't heard from Prudy in a long time!" Charity sighed, looking off into space. Probably remembering the last time she talked to Prudence.
"Pardon me for asking, but where do you know Abbey from?" I asked.
"I'm her older cousin" Charity smiled.

Well, they DID look exactly alike, except Charity's fashion sense was a bit more... bold.

"That's awesome" I smiled.
"Thanks, Chrissa." She smiled.
"Well, we better get back home. I kind of ran out of the house." I explained.
"Oh, ha ha! Okay." She smiled then we grabbed all of her bags, then walked home.

I think I am beginning to like this Charity chick.


1 comment:

  1. Charity seems REALLY nice! My sisters and I cant wait to Meet her! :)

