Thursday, February 24, 2011

Accidental Memories

“CHRISSA!” Marisol yelled.
“Ugh, what?” I asked, rolling out of bed and falling on a pile of my dirty clothes.
“Clean up your room.” She ordered and waved her hand around, as if I couldn’t see the dump that I live in.
“Okay.” I groaned, trying to get up, but falling down.
“You have 4 hours; we have company coming over then.” Marisol nodded.
“I didn’t know that the party would be held in my room.” I muttered.
“Excuse me?” She asked with an attitude.
“Nothing.” I looked down.
“I thought so.” Marisol said and then she walked out of the room.

“My life.” I groaned, flopping back on my bed. I looked up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling and over at my light purple walls with a million different pictures on them.

I opened my mouth, but a poster fell down.

”Oh great, my first act of business.” I groaned, getting up. I picked up the fallen poster of
The Beatles and put it back up.
“All better.” I smiled triumphantly to myself. I turned to go clean another area of the room, but I stepped on something.

“OW!” I yelled, grabbing my foot. “A paper cut? Really?” I yelled in frustration.
I looked down at the picture that caused it and my jaw dropped.

“Mikayla?” I asked in astonishment like the picture would answer. I came to my senses and picked up the picture. It was a smiling picture of a girl who looked a LOT like my sister Prudence, same eye color and hair color, and me, in the American Girl Factory.

I smiled to myself; all of the memories were flooding back into my mind.

- F L A S H B A C K -
I was walking, alone, to my box. I saw a girl walk past; carrying the most beautiful painting I’d ever seen. I turned around and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled.
“Yes?” She asked.
“Where did you get that beautiful painting?” I asked, adding emphasis on ‘beautiful.’
“Oh, thank you! Actually, I painted this.” She smiled.
“YOU PAINTED THAT?” I looked at it in astonishment, it was a colorful picture of a sunset.
“Yeah.. Thank you for liking it though. I’m Mikayla.” She smiled.
”I’m Chrissa.” I smiled back.
“I LOVE your shoes!” She looked down at my shoes.
“Oh, thank you. I like your purse.” We flooded each other with compliments, just like all girls do when meeting a new person.

Over the course of 4 months, Mikayla Michelle Martin became my best friend. Then Sonali came along and we became the three Amiga’s. Then, December came. Along with it, Christmas.

“CHRISSA!” Sonali exclaimed, coming out of her box. We all had to hide when the workers came to put notes on all of the dolls that were getting adopted.
“What?” I asked.
“You’re…getting adopted!” Sonali smiled.
“Big Deal.” Mikayla muttered to herself.
“What’s wrong, Mickey?” I asked. I was the only one EVER allowed to call her that.
“Nothing! Nothing’s wrong, you just go off and live happily ever after with your STUPID family. I don’t care.” She yelled, then ran off.

Sonali and I shared a confused look. But then, before I could do anything, the workers came back to take all of the dolls. Sonali gave me a big hug and promised that she’d write to me ‘Every single day.’ I smiled and hugged her back.

I looked over to where Mikayla’s box always was to say goodbye, but it was gone. I tried to search for her, but I had to go into my box and get adopted, but not before saving one picture of Mikayla and one of Sonali.

-End of Flashback-

We haven’t talked since, but looking at that picture sure brings back some memories. I smiled to the picture once more, then put it in my pocket, and cleaned my room.

Now I have a clean room, but a hole in my heart.


  1. awww. It seems like Mikayla might have been sad that you were leaving...But IDK! lol

    You should try and get in touch with her! I bet she'd be SO HAPPY! :)


  2. You should email her, or write to her. I am sure she wasn't really mad at you. Maybe she wanted to be adopted too.

    <3 Lia

  3. yeah i agree... maybe she could be adopted by the same person that adopted U???!!!??
