Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lovely Rita

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELANIE!" All 12 of us chorused.
She rolled out of bed, and rubbed the sleep out of our eyes.
"Thanks, girls." She said, sleepily.
Then she walked out into the living room.

Marisol sent Cindie and I out to see what she got.

"OOH! BEATLES STUFF" Melanie beamed.
Cindie and I exchanged a look that said 'She-is-going-to-have-a-million-Beatles-things-by-the-time-she's-fifteen-isn't-she?'

She got a George Harrison CD
[Cindie - *squeals*]
A Beatles DVD.
A Beatles Book.

"Open the first few pages" Melanie's mom said with a knowing smile plastered on her face.
"Um, okay" Melanie said, then opened the first few pages.

5 green pieces of paper flew down.
"ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS?" She asked with wide eyes.
Melanie's parents nodded.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Melanie hugged them then ran into her room to listen to her CD.

-6 hours later-
A knock came at the door.
"REBECCA, JULIE, AND ELIZABETH ARE HERE!" Jess announced, before opening the door.

We all greeted each other with "Hey!" or "Hiya!" or "Heyla!" or "Hi!" or "Hello!"

"Girls. Oh hey, Lizzie, Rebeckie, and Jules!" Melanie greeted.
"Happy Birthday, Mellie Bean" They all greeted.

"Well, anyways, I have some news" Melanie explained with a smirk on her face.
"What is it, Mel?" Prudence asked.
"Yeah, spill it!" Julia urged.

"Well, I have enough money, so I think I will....." Melanie trailed off.

We all inched closer, waiting to hear the news.

"Buy another doll!" Melanie exclaimed.


We all erupted in cheers, much like we had on Christmas.
"Who?" Marisol asked when everyone cheered down.
"A Just Like You Number Thirty-Three" Melanie announced.

Julia, Prudence, and I all shared a look.

"Does her name happen to be Marita Kenley Pilchard?" I asked.
"Yes! It is, how did you know?" Melanie asked.
"She has a blog, Mel" Prudence said, grabbing her laptop and typing in;

Melanie's mouth formed a perfect 'O.'
"T-T-That's incredible!" She exclaimed.
We all nodded our heads.
"She has a really fantastic blog" Rebecca smiled.
"Oh so everyone knew except me?" Melanie asked in a playfully-hurt voice.
"Oh build a bridge and get over it, Mel" Julia playfully rolled her eyes.

Melanie chuckled.

"Well, GET ON WITH IT!" Charity exclaimed.
"YEAH! ORDER HER!" Becca smiled.
"Okay!" Melanie pulled her laptop down so we could all see it.

"And confirm order" Melanie said, clicking on the button that bought Rita.

"Girls, Rita Pilchard has been ordered." Melanie announced.

We all erupted in cheers and hugged each other and Melanie.

Will Rita like me?



  1. A NEW DOLL! This is one of the most exciting times for any girl EVER!!! :D/:0


  2. Well, it all depends Chrissa, I know it's a hard question to live by, but this is actually really exciting, but also very mysterious, are you afraid that she is going to be like Becca?


  3. OMG! Tell Melanie we had SO MUCH FUN!!!!
    AND I'm so happy that Melanie's getting a new doll (Lovely miss Rita Pilchard!) and I bet Rita will be excited too when she find out! ooOh I cant wait to read that post on her blog! hehe
    OH AND I BET RITA WILL LOVE YOU CHRISSA! Everybody does!!!!!!!!!!! Duh! lol :)

